Water & Flood Damage

Floor water leakage

Typical Water Loss

Covered Under Most Policies

  • Broken pipes

  • Leaks from appliances

  • Sewage backup

  • Water entering from roof openings

  • Water penetration of building elevations due to heavy rain


Water Damage

Once a water loss has occurred, it is important you use an experienced public adjuster to guide you through this process. How a water loss is handled in the first 24 hours can be critical in the outcome of your property damage claim.

Don’t let your insurance company take control of the claims process. Insurance company adjusters are interested in saving money for the carrier and will be neglectful when it comes to determining the extent of the loss. Common tactics for cutting corners are things like:

  • Leaving the baseboards on which prevents the air from properly circulating throughout the walls in the structure. Not letting air circulate properly throughout the building can cause serious mold conditions.

  • Using blowers to dry the carpet rather than pulling the carpet and padding and replacing it. Leaving soaked padding in place often leads to mold issues.

IMPORTANT! If you do decide to exercise your option to bring in a water extraction company, restoration specialist, or dry out firm, DO NOT SIGN ANY WORK AUTHORIZATION FORMS without an agreement from the insurance company or their representative adjuster.

Properly Determining

the Extent of Damage

Determining the extent of the water damage, in most cases, cannot be accomplished by simply walking through the insured property. To properly diagnose the loss one must employ moisture detectors, hygrometers, and the use of infrared cameras to determine the exact location of the water. If your insurance company adjuster does not follow this protocol, it will negatively impact the outcome of your settlement and the restoration of your property will be incomplete and imperil.

water flood city

Black Water Claims

Require Special Treatment

Let a trained public adjuster provide information on the proper handling of a black water loss (back-up of sewage) if you think you are experiencing this condition. This type of loss is completely different than your typical water loss and requires special care and treatment. Drying out this type of moisture is not sufficient as there may be life, health and safety issues that need to be addressed. If you need answers, call a licensed professional at Guardian Claim Group now.